

12 May 2001: I changed the background because I was bored and procrastinating my studying.

3 May 2001: I made some animations of X teleporting in in his various X5 Armors. They're in the animations section.

2 May 2001: Ok, just a few things. I put up the first two HunterZeo Hunter Profiles. for myself and Naia. I alos put up the prologue to the HunterZeo Saga, along with what will probably be the first chapter. Also, I apologize for failing to respond to people who have e-mailed me regarding affiliates. I am still unsure about whether I want more affiliates or not, so give me a little time. Classes will be over in a week, then, in a couple more, finals will be over. At that point, I'll see what I can do with the site.

21 April 2001: Yeah, it's been awhile. I've had a TON of school stuff to do, so I haven't had the chance to really update things. Plus, I have nothing else that I want to put uo at this time. I have a couple new affiliates, and since Mega Man X Arena has changed to Sephiroth Omicron, I don't think we're really affiliated, so I'll take own his button eventually. Anyway, that's really it for now, I'll pop in every now and then to do stuff, but I'm a little busy to really dedicate my energies to this site.

27 March 2001: I updated the walkthroughs a little by adding internal links to the various sections. It's not much, but there's not much left to do at this point. I also changed a couple of the pics on the upgrades page for the Falcon and Gaea armors

26 March 2001: I added a few sprites in the Mavericks and Mega Man X sections. Also, I'm considering the possibility of adding a background, but I'm becoming fond of white; everything tends to be easier to see on a white background than on any others taht I like. However, since I've gotten the suggestion to add a backgorund, I wanted to let ya'll know that I'm thinking about it, I just need to find something that I like and that works visually.

16 March 2001: HunterZeo is back on Tripod (shouts of assent and general happiness). I've reconfigured a few things to make the iframes version better visually. Otherwise, it's still the same old site! If you have any suggestions, sign the guestbook! I'll check on it periodically. Oh yeah, there was one update: I added some cool Gold X sprites to the sprites section. These aren't your ordinary Gold X3 sprites, though; he is gold WITHOUT armor upgrades. I did some sprite tinkering with the help of Nightmare Zero's Save State Masters program (Mega Man Masters) and Paint Shop Pro to make them.

13 March 2001:  Got both versions of HunterZeo up with most of the pics.  They will follow within the next couple of days. I made a frames version for Netscape users (I hope they can see it), and a table/iframe version for Internet Explorer users.


10 March 2001: Realized that Tripod booted me.  Got really mad, moved on.  Started the iframes version.


18 January 2001-9 March 2001: Various updates, all of which are now pointless to discuss because of the “Tripod Incident”


17 January 2001: HunterZeo started on Tripod